Natural and Recycled Arts
All of our products are carefully crafted from natural, post consumer and second hand products. We try very hard to have almost nothing new produced just for us to turn it into something else. There is so much already made in this world, and so much of it ends up in the landfill.
Let's use some of it!
We are currently focusing on creating with recycled fabric and paper pulp. We enjoy searching through the forests of upper and mid-Minnesota for botanicals, sticks, rocks and the like to include in our pieces. We are exited to explore the elements of texture and form in new ways.
We are currently focused on local sales, but are looking into future avenues for online sales. We are trying to keep in mind the most sustainable shipping methods when looking into that. If you are not local and are interested in some of our products please send us and email or message, we would love to get you the product you are interested in and we look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your patience in this process.